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Allergy testing

Could allergies be at the centre of not feeling your best?

Allergy testing can be used to find why you may be experiencing:


  • Food allergies or intolerances

  • Acne & other skin conditions

  • Environmental allergies

  • Hay fever

  • Sinus congestion

  • Pain (including joint pain) and inflammation

  • Headaches/ migraines

  • Puffiness

  • Asthma

  • Eczema

  • Brain fog 

What are my allergy testing options?


Food incompatibility Hair Testing- 500 items


What drives allergy is a compromised immune system. A compromised immune system means that there must be a problem with the function of immune system cells. Compromised immune system cells can also result in a myriad of reactions resulting in inflammation and poor organ function.


Bio-compatibility testing is aimed at a level much lower that allergy/symptom level.

Bio-compatibility testing is used to assess which foods and household items YOUR body based on 500 common household items. We are all unique and 'one person's food is another person's poison'. Dennis Hodges ND


Following this program enhances the effectiveness of other therapies with minimal change. It is a 6 month plan but many experience between 60-80% improvement of symptoms in the first 4 weeks simply by adjusting their diets.


This type of testing has been found to be very suitable for young children, babies, older people who are on an extensive list of pharmaceuticals and you are concerned about taking supplements that may clash with medications.


To test a small amount of hair is cut (approx 2cm) and this is sent off for testing. It does not matter if hair is colour, just needs to be clean and have no product applied to it.


Testing could improve symptoms for individuals with: Acne, ADHD, Arthritis, Asthma, Bad breath, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Digestive issue, Earache, excess mucous, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, Hives, IBS, Migraine, PMS, Psoriasis, Rashes, Restless Legs, Sinus/Hayfever, Sleep issues or Thrush.


Prices vary depending on what is tested for or if part of treatment plan:

$247 with a consultation
$285 as a stand alone test without a consultation


To book as a standalone test, you can book here via services and bookings


Hidden Food Intolerance Tests – Blood NaCit ALCAT


Intolerances/Sensitivities to foods + food additives + food chemicals + environmental chemicals + herbs/dietary supplements + moulds can cause a wide range of symptoms and disorders. The ALCAT® diagnostic system detects changes in the size and number of leucocytes (i.e. immune cells) in response to exposure to the offending foods, chemicals, additives, herbs and moulds.

The ALCAT® diagnostic system is a useful test which can be used to screen for intolerance and sensitivities to:

  • Foods

  • Food Additives

  • Food Chemicals

  • Environmental Chemicals

  • Herbs/Dietary Supplements

  • Antibiotics and Anti-inflammatories

  • Moulds

This diagnostic system detects changes in the size and number of immune cells in response to exposure to these allergens.


A significant advantage of this system is that it uses whole blood which contains all of the immune factors, cells and serum proteins that might be involved in an adverse reaction to a foods, chemicals and moulds.


Click here to view patient brochure


Click here to view sample report


Allergy Panels – IgG- General Foods


Food sensitivities can cause a wide range of symptoms and disorders. The foods that cause these delayed reactions are often hard to diagnose because of the time between consumption and the physical reaction. The IgG food allergy test offers a useful tool for detecting the foods causing this response. The results are patient specific and provide an easy, precise and effective starting point for dietary manipulation.


IgG (immunoglobulin G) testing is a useful guide for practitioners to structure an elimination diet for many chronic health conditions. The foods that cause these delayed reactions are often hard to diagnose because of the time between consumption and the physical reaction. Generally, an IgG reaction occurs hours to days after exposure to these food antigens.

The IgG food allergy test offers a useful tool for detecting the foods causing this response. The results are patient specific and provide an easy, precise and effective starting point for dietary manipulation.


When doing an IgG test, it is recommended to eat a large variety of foods in the two weeks prior to testing. Include as many of the foods that are being tested in the specific allergy panel you have chosen. Be aware that if foods are not included in the diet during this time, false negative results may be obtained as recent exposure to these foods may be required for antibodies to be present in the blood.


It is recommended that IgG allergy testing is only performed for infants greater than 18 months of age.


Common Conditions:

  • Asthma

  • Headaches

  • Eczema

  • Fatigue

  • Irritable Bowel


Click here to view patient brochure


Click here to view sample report

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To work with Jess to do a thorough investigation into your health and choose the right testing for you, as well as an individualised treatment plan, book a session below to get started on your journey to great health

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